Auto-scale Rackspace Cloud servers with Fabric and Celery

Categories: Linux Projects Python Stock Trading Technology
Auto-Scaling Celery Workers with Rackspace Cloud Servers I have been working on an automated stock trading system for some time. Part of my automated trading system involves a lot of number crunching and calculations, such as for technical analysis and neural networks. Processing large amounts of data for thousands of stock tickers can be very time consuming and take a significantly long time to fully process the data. I have begun creating additional worker nodes so that I have more processing power available in order to complete the data processing and number crunching much faster.

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Nginx – How to set expires headers for images

Categories: nginx
In Nginx, you can easily set browser caching for your images. Nginx sets the ‘Expires’ and ‘Cache-Control’ http request headers for images nginx serves. This allows the client’s browser to cache the images for the amount of time specified by the expires tag inside the location block of code. Here’s the location block I’m using in my Nginx virtual host configuration file: location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico)$ { expires 1y; log_not_found off; } You can use the curl command on unix/linux/mac to see the full headers for a request.

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Perl: How to list all installed perl modules

Categories: Perl
I was looking for an easy way to clone my perl modules from one server to another but I wasn’t sure how to easily list my installed perl modules. I searched around and found the instmodsh command which lists all currently installed perl modules. I found Instmodsh is easy to use. In your terminal type insmodsh to use it and this will bring you to an interactive shell tool. Here is an example listing installed perl modules with the instmodsh command:

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Favorite Quotes: Buddhist and Zen Proverbs on Why Worrying is Pointless

Categories: Favorite Quotes
Buddhist monks and Zen practitioners have a proverb or saying on why there is no use in worrying. Worrying about something is pointless. The Buddhist proverb on worrying: “If you have a problem that can be fixed, then there is no use in worrying. If you have a problem that cannot be fixed, then there is no use in worrying.” – Buddhist proverb The Zen saying on worrying:

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